Home » Month: January 2008

Parking Tickets

So! A spry eighty-year-old, still driving her car, checks out the parking spaces near her local post office and finds none available, at least not within reasonable walking distance. She pulls into a space just next to the legal parking area and walks into the post office to mail a registered letter. Three minutes later Continue Reading

Why Is the Canadian Government Killing the Generic Drug Industry?

There is a hidden continuing battle in the Canadian pharmaceutical industry. It pits Canada’s Research-Based Pharmaceutical Companies (mostly international and trade-name companies) against the Canadian Generic Pharmaceutical Association (CGPA). The CGPA are companies that produce pharmaceuticals after the patent has expired. The battle also involves the Food and Drug Directorate, whose mandate is to supervise Continue Reading

Junior Tennis

By no stretch of the imagination can Canada be considered a power-house in tennis. If you overlook men`s doubles, and unfortunately the world does, Canada ranks very low. However, in the past, it is in women`s tennis that we have made a mark and produced world caliber players who, in their time, were in serious Continue Reading