In an essay in my blog on December 9 2008, an article entitled “No Borders Exist for Racism, Sexism and Religious Intolerance” I stated that the presence of power, self-interest and hypocrisy are present in all human affairs and know no country borders. Power is not easy to acquire and jealously held. In Kandahar, Afghanistan Continue Reading
Treatments from our great granny’s time, very effective medication! Bayer ‘S Heroin A .bottle of Bayer’s heroinBetween 1890 and 1910 heroin was sold as a non-addictive substitute for morphine.It was also used to treat children with strong cough. Coca Wine Metcalf Coca Wine was one of a huge variety of wines with cocaine on the Continue Reading
Special Dispatch 2309 April 10, 2008Reform ProjectLiberal Gulf Writers: Muslim Groups in Europe Are Exploiting Europeans’ OpennessSUBSCRIBE UNSUBSCRIBE DONATE CONTACT USMEMRI MEMRI TV THE MEMRI BLOG MEMRI ECONOMIC BLOG JIHAD & TERRORISM THREAT MONITOR PROJECT TURKISH MEDIA PROJECT IRAN BLOG Two recent articles in the Gulf press discussed the attitudes of European Muslims towards the Continue Reading