If there is a situation not to your liking, the easiest way to solve the problem is by blaming the Jews. I am quoting from a book by Lynne Olson ” Those Angry Days” where she describes the problems Franklin D Roosevelt had in getting the United States to help Great Britian in the second Continue Reading
“Dearth Control” and if your knowledge of English is as limited as mine you do not know the meaning of “dearth”. Well, it means scarcity and this leads to a book review I am reading in Commentary Magazine called “What To Expect When No One’s Expecting: America’s Coming Demographic Disaster” by Jonathon V. Last. From Continue Reading
What follows are excerpts from an address delivered by The Right Honourable Brian Mulroney to the Canadian Jewish Political Affairs Committee Annual Dinner in Montreal on May 9, 2013 It was when I moved to Montreal to practice law in 1964 that I first came into contact with a large Jewish community. Continue Reading
It is natural for Arabs who live in Palestine to want to govern themselves as other Arabs have in the Middle East, and to form a state recognized by the world. In recent history the Arabs in that area have always been controlled by others. There has never been a state called Palestine. It is Continue Reading
There is in the United States a long-held tradition of possessing firearms to the extent that it is enshrined as one of the Articles of Confederation. An American citizen is by law allowed to own a gun. This dates back to the frontier history of the American states where settlers guarded themselves against Native Continue Reading
I am trying to come to terms with a book “The Singularity is Near” by Ray Kurzweil, a futurist. The essence of this book is that life as we know it is changing, but the changes are not minor. They come at an ever increasing rate. This is called “exponential growth”. It may have taken Continue Reading