I am not what I would call a “deep thinker”. In many cases the ideas of recognized philosophers are beyond my comprehension. I just cannot follow their line of thinking and make sense of them. Therefore when I came upon this article in Foreign Affairs by Iain Hampsher-Monk in the January-February issue 2015 of a Continue Reading
I find the exploits of some people fascinating, and their lack of real achievement, and positions in life contradictory. It goes without saying that I am not talking about real achievers, as scientists with breakthroughs in medicine or engineering .No! I am looking at persons who are very inexperienced, rather young and whose intellect has in no way Continue Reading
The Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy as of November 27, 2014 is offering courses to change the level of practice of Pharmacists. The innovative new Minor Ailments program at the Leslie Dan faculty of Pharmacy equips participants with the skills, confidence, and tools needed to successfully advance the treatment of minor ailments in their practice. Continue Reading
People can be so hypocritical. I find it amusing when writers of all streams whether right-wing ,left-wing or no wing use acronyms to give vent to their abusive thoughts, but are afraid to use the real words out of consideration for sensitive people. I refer to Fu– O–, for Fuck Off or WTF for What the Fuck Continue Reading
Sometimes the new contact technology hinders the inventors purpose. I speak here of the answering machines and the technology that followed. In theory the idea is that when a call is made, an e-mail sent, the recipient does not miss the message What has happened is that the recipient of the message , and rest assured the message is usually received, Continue Reading
Are you afraid that the prescription as prescribed by your doctor is only making him or her money. Forget it! It is not a major factor in his choice of medicines. Your health is. As a retired pharmacist I have more than a cursory interest in pharmaceuticals, and how they are promoted to prescribing physicians. Recently I Continue Reading