Anti-Semitism is a permanent mental failing of parts of Western Society, but on certain occasions and circumstances it is difficult to recognize. If there is violence in the streets such as when the Nazis burned synagogues and Jewish businesses, or Anti-Semitic slurs in the press or on T.V. what is happening needs no explanation. It has Continue Reading
The Democratic process is, as I have mentioned in the past, is flawed, simply because the people voting never really get to know the full extent of the candidate`s personality. Winston Churchill, a former P.M. of Great Britain and a very intelligent man said and I quote “Democracy is a terrible system but the best Continue Reading
The end of the world syndrome has probably been with mankind since the beginning of recorded history. Nature was so powerful and relatively, man so weak that the idea of a major storm, flood or earthquake could kill, was not far from the minds of primitives. Men, of course, killed other men by whatever means at Continue Reading