If my readers scroll down the categories they will find much reference to democracies, their strong points and their flaws. In my naïve way I have pointed out the problems with western democracy and even attempted to find a solution to its shortcomings. I use the word naïve with the full knowledge of its full Continue Reading
When a person is in constant pain, with no medical help possible, either in the future or immediately, assisted suicide is indicated. When a person is old with a chronic debilitating disease, and is of sound mind, assisted suicide is indicated. In both these medical situations not having a mental illness like Alzheimer’s makes it Continue Reading
Humans are not nor have they ever been consistent in any of their affairs. The problem as always is “self-interest”. I would like to relate an incident in a tennis club that I belong to, as an example. My club has a large workout room that is used by our members throughout the day. There Continue Reading
There are so many reasons that one can condemn the mass killings in Orland Florida, but the first one is so very obvious. No matter the sick mind that perpetrated this atrocity, why is the AR 15 style rifle that can be used for hunting, but so effective for killing innocent people in closed quarters, available Continue Reading
Euthanasia–the painless killing of a patient suffering from an incurable disease, or in an irreversible coma or in insufferable pain ,by a physician. The definition is easy–the application not so.In most physical and medical situations the doctor can tell the state of the patient and whether it is a condition that lends itself to doctor assisted death. Human Continue Reading
What do young people like doing most. If I said having sex, I do not think I would get an argument from many. But what do I mean by the “young”. I am referring to humans, both men and women over 15 years old. At least that is the lower limit that I think have the possibility Continue Reading