Last week (the third week in March) of 2016, I heard on the C.B.C. Peter Mansbridge interviewing David Suzuki. As we all know Peter is a very prominent interviewer on the Canadian network and has his own show “One On One” where he interviews prominent people. David is a renowned environmental scientist who for many years Continue Reading
There is a major problem in our food distribution system. Food that does not look good, or is even a few days past the date that it should be sold, as set by the grocer ,is thrown out and finds its way into the dumps throughout the city. 40 % of the food each year goes Continue Reading
As a former pharmacist, now retired, I have some in depth knowledge about the possibility of mistakes in filling prescriptions. From 1958 to 1992 I was president of a chain of prescription pharmacies, and in that period time there were errors made but, and this is important, none resulted in serious illness or death. It was Continue Reading
The public is unaware as to what is going on, because the professional services received are the same. But the remuneration received by each profession is heading to the bottom . The profession of pharmacy, is in deep trouble right now. When I graduated in 1954 there were 1000`s of independent pharmacies all over Canada Continue Reading
I am sure that I do not have to define a crossword puzzle. For people not long in this country, I would guess that doing a crossword puzzle is a waste of time as there are too many deviations, or plays on words, that an immigrant would not even know about, let alone answer. So essentially Continue Reading
This piece is partly taken from an article written by Avi Benlolo the president of Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Centre in Canada and received by me Oct 3, just before Yom Kippur “Anti-Semitism has made us reluctant to validate our contributions to the world for fear of inspiring hate and resentment” But we deserve to Continue Reading