Is white supremacy in the Western world a form of racism? It most certainly is. It is based on the belief, and its promotion, that the white people are superior in certain characteristics, traits and personalities compared to people of other racial backgrounds. Is it true? Not by a longshot and in this article I Continue Reading
On the May 5th edition of “Times of Israel” I read an article by an American Conservative rabbi that to my 86 year old mind would do the Jewish people, both in Israel and in the diaspora, a great deal of harm. In his article the rabbi completely overlooks the nature of individuals and nations Continue Reading
NO BORDERS EXIST FOR RACISM, SEXISM AND RELGIOUS INTOLERANCE In 1992 Columbus Centre, an Italian social and athletic club in Toronto honoured Christopher Columbus the Italian explorer who was the first European to reach and explore North America in 1492, the 500 year anniversary. Whether in fact he was the first is not relevant, as Continue Reading
I should start off this entry by making it abundantly clear that my credentials for doing a piece of this nature are zero, nada, and gornisht. I am not a psychologist, a psychiatrist or a social worker But that has not stopped me in the past from writing from my experience. So here goes. Barack Hussein Continue Reading
The essence of Canada at this time in our history is the need to maintain and celebrate the racial, religious and cultural background of our diverse population, as well as to live under the democratic principles of our country. This is a sociological fact and an imbedded political ideology that can be described as multiculturalism and democracy. At Continue Reading