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Israel and Palestine: Two States, One Land

There are many problems ,where because of their complexity it takes a solution which is  straightforward, yet not devious and underhand. Providing there is good-will on all sides these intractable situations can be resolved. What are the problems? Holy Places. There are three religions involved, Christianity, Islam and Judaism, all monotheistic and derived from this Continue Reading


Israel’s killing ofSheikh Yassin,The founder and spiritualLeader of terrorist organizationHamas – 2004 Kofi Annan, UN secretary general: “I do condemn the targeted assassination of Ahmed Yassin and the others who died with him. Such actions are not only contrary to international law but they do not help the search for a peaceful solution.” “The EU Continue Reading

Speech by Benjamin Netanyahu P.M. Israel to American Congress

Senators,Members of Congress,Defense Minister Ehud BarakMinister Uzi LandauAmbassador Michael Oren,Howard Kohr, David Victor, Lee Rosenberg Leaders of AIPAC,Ladies and Gentlemen,As the world faces monumental challenges, I know that Israel and America will face them together.We stand together because we are fired by the same ideals and inspired by the same dream – the dream of Continue Reading


This speech was given in the Orthodox Synagogue of St Louis by Joe McCain, brother of Senator John McCain of Arizona. The Jews will not go quietly again. NEVER. There is a lot of worrying popping up in the media just now — “Can Israel Survive”? Don`t worry about it. It relates to something the Continue Reading

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