I have been obsessed since Oct 2011 with the trial of Mohatried for the murder of the 3 daughters of Mohammad and Tooba, and the first wife of Mohammad, Rona, who immigrated here under the pretence of being house-keeping help. I will not go into the details of the trial as that is easily available in the newspapers. There is no question the three charged people will be found guilty of murder, as the Ontario Superior Court Judge Robert Maranger instructed the jury that they did not have to understand how the crime was committed to find the defendants guilty.
This crime is different only to the extent that it involves four women, and that point makes it headlines throughout the world. The fact of the matter is in one way or another; women are dominated in every country to a greater or lesser extent. The western world has minimized the domination and the laws favour the freedom of women to act in their own interests, but the number of male police who minimize charges of male abuse when they investigate the cases is legendary, and so many women out of fear withdraw the charges in the presence of the police and their partners. I hate to think about the verbal and physical abuse that takes place in Canadian homes. The abuse in Canada and the west is just the tip of the iceberg.
So let’s look at the iceberg. Most countries in the developing world
have no laws protecting women and in some cases they are literally household slaves. It is a pathetic joke that the United Nations which has passed numerous resolutions on the protection of women does not reject the membership of states which pay no attention to this obligation. Especially during wartime women are used as pawns between conflicting armies with rape being the norm rather than the exception. During the second world war the greatest fear of German women was being raped by the advancing Russian soldiers.
In the past number of years the term “Honour Killing” is used a great deal in describing the murder of women. Religion has some degree of influence in the domination of women as a great number of events involve Muslims, but in the end it is a culture rather than a religion that is predominate. Women are dominated and abused in every religion and culture and in all parts of the world. Women`s activism has also been responsible for much violence recently against women even in under-developed countries. In Afghanistan and Iraq in 2018, 417 and 2011 female candidates were running for parliamentary elections. From 2005 to 2018 Lebanon saw more than a 27 fold increase in candidates from 4 to 111. The U.S had over 500 women ran for office statewide or in the Congress .Ireland, India and Japan featured many more candidates as well as Brazil, Sri Lanka ad Tunisia. The search for power is on, but the price to pay is violence and there is no escape. Men are physically stronger and from time immemorial, regardless of the laws ,women pay the price.