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Help yourself and help poor countries

As I believe the readers of my blogs are aware, I am not what I would call a deep thinker. But I am an idea person. I have not been seriously critical of humans because I believe they are , at birth, given a brain which can do everything depending on how the situation affects them personally, just as other living entities react to situations. All humans are capable of the most despicable actions, yet under different moments in time this same individual can do the greatest good. If you will take the time , further on in my blog is an entry called POWER, SELF-INTEREST AND HYPOCRICY. This  entry entails all these characteristics. It appears the Supreme Court in Great Britain has ruled against an idea I believe could solve  a problem Britain is facing as well as the United States and many countries in Europe, the major problem of migrants. I was watching Fareed Zakaria’s program which is on very Sunday in the morning ,and the government of the U.K. had devised a plan to send some willing migrants, by which they are being overwhelmed , to Rwanda in Africa.But that is only the beginning of the story. They send these people with the ability to settle down and receive jobs and education provided by the U.K. and financial help so that the country facing immigration has no problems with them.  Rwanda is a poor country and certainly cannot provide the help these poor migrants need. It is similar to a country helping  their own citizens with welfare the only difference it is a wealthy country helping a much poorer country  with the immigrants, which they need but cannot afford , nor would the immigrants settle there unaided. It should be quite apparent that what is needed is poor countries needing financial help and rich countries having the reason to help out for their own benefit. They would not take these steps if they needed or wanted the immigrants.

Name of author

Name: Murray Rubin

Short Bio: I was born in Toronto in 1931 to a wonderful mother who divorced shortly before my birth. I owe a great deal of my success to her. I am Jewish but not at all religious, yet my culture plays an important part of my personality. I attended Harbord Collegiate and U. of T. Faculty of Pharmacy. A unique mail-order pharmacy was the first of my endeavours in the profession, followed by many stores throughout Ontario. I have a loving wife, 3 children and grand-children and I am now retired from pharmacy. But what do I write about? Everything! My topics are funny, serious, whimsical, timely, outrageous, inspiring, and inventive. I promise that if you take the time to read any one of these topics – you will not be sorry.

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