In any society there are the “Leaders” and the people who constitute the majority and the democratic system in Canada is no different. I have yet to find any society where the leaders institute a system where they lose control. And so,it is how I find the Inuit and Aboriginal communities in Canada. These two groups live Continue Reading
The last few governments in Canada have approached the problem of the First Nations (Aboriginals) in the same way with the same result. FAILURE. Allan Rock, a Liberal stated that the aboriginals represent 2% of the population but 10.6% of persons in prison. Last year when Jody Wilson-Raybould again with the Liberals in power, the Continue Reading
There are always contradictions in human relationships. What you look forward to sometimes brings unexpected results. In this particular case, I am referring to a First Nation reserve in the middle of Alberta`s oil sands region. The area is called “Beverley Hills”, a take-off I am sure of Hollywood in California, and in Alberta is Continue Reading
We must make a deal now with the aboriginal people that will forever solve this situation, that is with us since Canada was formed. We cannot go on like this. It makes no sense for anybody. The problem is with our Canadian Federal Politicians who do not want to raise taxes in the short Continue Reading
My first personal encounter with aboriginal people came when we opened a drug store in Sudbury in the 1960’s. I was used to getting requests for rubbing alcohol from the poor in Toronto. It was a cheap way to get drunk after the liquid was distilled. In Sudbury the request usually came from natives. I Continue Reading
An article by Edwin Black, a New York Times bestselling author. When International Farhud Day was proclaimed at a conference convened at the United Nations headquarters on June 1,2015, its proponents wanted to achieve more than merely a commemoration of the ghastly 1941 Arab-Nazi pogrom in Baghdad that killed and injured hundreds of Iraqi Jews. Continue Reading