Home » Month: March 2014


There is an arrogance associated with democratic states, that the people and possibly even their leaders show a much higher ethical political behaviour than states that are authoritarian. It goes without saying that some states which call themselves democratic are only democratic superficially. The idea that the level of ethical behaviour in democracies is higher Continue Reading

Rob Ford a Buffoon For Mayor

Before I even get started, I am going to answer the question all my readers want to ask me. YES! I voted for Rob Ford for mayor and the reasons are those  that most voters gave. He said he was going to be much more careful when he spent the city`s money, and more important than that for Continue Reading

Farm Animals Don’t Vote, Farmers Do

Humans are mammals and have a varied diet. They eat other mammals, birds, fish, crustaceans and reptiles, as well as vegetables. At one time in human history they ate other humans, but thankfully this practice, to nearly a complete extent, has been discontinued. Recently there were articles in the press highlighting the methods used by Continue Reading