Aahhhh, yes, the good old days. Amazing, Why Our Great Grandparents Were So Happy. Have you ever wondered why our great grandparents all had such fond memories of their youth? Well, I’m surprised they remembered anything at all !!! Forget Tums & Tylenol. Forget Aleve & Benedryl. Look at the cool stuff they had back then! A bottle Continue Reading
There is an arrogance associated with democratic states, that the people and possibly even their leaders show a much higher ethical political behaviour than states that are authoritarian. It goes without saying that some states which call themselves democratic are only democratic superficially. The idea that the level of ethical behaviour in democracies is higher Continue Reading
Before I even get started, I am going to answer the question all my readers want to ask me. YES! I voted for Rob Ford for mayor and the reasons are those that most voters gave. He said he was going to be much more careful when he spent the city`s money, and more important than that for Continue Reading
Humans are mammals and have a varied diet. They eat other mammals, birds, fish, crustaceans and reptiles, as well as vegetables. At one time in human history they ate other humans, but thankfully this practice, to nearly a complete extent, has been discontinued. Recently there were articles in the press highlighting the methods used by Continue Reading
In The streets of major cities it is becoming more difficult to have anonymity. The terrorist attack in New York city on Sept. 11 2011 where the perpetrators were quickly identified was only the beginning. The people responsible for the Boston marathon bombing, and the shooting of U.S. representative Gabrielle Gifford were quickly apprehended. The Continue Reading