History can be confusing, edited, full of lies, and very important for the lives of peoples and nations. In this entry in my blog,of course I am talking about the Jews of the world and Israel, and also hopefully ,about the nation to be in Palestine. I am a 93 year old Canadian born Jew, proudly Jewish and Canadian but not religious. I had a Bar Mitzvah and so did my two sons Jerome and Kenny. Around 1200 BCE the first settling of the twelve tribes took place but was abruptly ended by the destruction of the second temple in 70 CE .This quasi uninterrupted period of the national Jewish presence in the land of Israel-including long periods- was followed by over eighteen centuries of dispersion until the emergence of the political movement of modern Jewish nationalism known today as Zionism. There were Jews in the holy land at all times but conditions changed as did the political circumstances and the numbers. It was the dispersion that brought so many Muslims into the area that was allotted to the Jews and as you all know the dispersion created the conditions for the holocaust.
Theodor Herzl published ” Der Judenstaat “when he witnessed the show trial of Captain Alfred Dreyfus who was convicted of a crime in the French Military by the officers of the military that knew he was innocent. It was apparent to Dreyfuss that the liberal ideas which preceded the French revolution were a sham and anti-semitism was embedded in European society. Herzl convened a conference leading to the idea of a birth of a Jewish state in the region known as Palestine At that time the area he promulgated was part of the Ottoman Empire and Herzl wisley did not refer to a Jewish State. Because The Ottoman`s sided with Germany,lost the war and this area was referred to in settlement as only possessions.
Ten months before WW 1 ended U.S. president Woodrow W ilson made a very important speech in the U.S. congress in which he called for an association of nations . He advocated ” a general association. He stressed the importance of the self determination of people. Wilson`s ideas were not included in the treaty of Versaille which he did not ratify. But one thing for sure, Wilson brought about with his words, the League of Nations which called for a place for Jewish people in the area of Palestine. At the Paris peace in 1919 the League of Nations was created which advocated “Mandates” This can be found in Article 22 which did not call for Nations and deplored the possibility of the nations who fought the war and governed the land to take it back.
On April 25th the San Remo conference awarded Britain the two mandates for Palestine and Mesopotamia (Iraq) today and France the mandate for Syria and Lebanon. This resolution incorporated the wording of the the Balfour Declaration and made Britain legally responsible for putting it into effect. The resolution was adopted by Supreme Council of the Allied Powers, Britain France Japan, and Italy which had the legal power to do so. It was understood Palestine would incorporate both sides of the Jordan river and run North and South from Dan to Beersheba. There were a number of draft Mandates between the Zionist Organization and the British government but at the time Jewish Palestine was reduced by 52 members of the League of Nations.
Politics and self-interest began to play a major role with the then “League of Nations”. With the effects of the First World War both Britain and France had lost their political and military standing. The British transferred the Golan Heights to French Mandated Syria which as you probably know set up the situation for the very important Hezbollah to play a major role in fighting Israel. A Boundary Demarcation Convention the work in collusion of France and Great Britain marked the borders of Palestine but it deviated from the Franco-British original ideas to the detriment of Jewish Palestine. Britain separated the part of Palestine East of the Jordan and forbade Jewish settlement there. It was essentially Britain that initiated Eastern Palestine under under the Mandate into a separate piece of this area called Transjordan later renames the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
The documents mentioned above-The San Remo Resolution, the mandate for Palestine, The Franco-British boundary convention and the Anglo-American Convention- are acts of international law and should be central to any discussion of the Arab-Israeli conflict. The provisions contained in these documents HAVE NEVER BEEN REVOKED. The acquired rights of the Jewish people in the land of Israel are valid to this day. Unfortunately, they are rarely if ever mentioned in the media and in academic circles. They should not be circumvented in the pursuit of the ongoing peace process. The never-ending growth of anti-Semitism even in the U.S. and Canada and the West in Europe have convinced me, without question the Jewish people MUST have their own STATE. A PLACE TO GO IF NEEDED.