If my readers scroll down the categories they will find much reference to democracies, their strong points and their flaws. In my naïve way I have pointed out the problems with western democracy and even attempted to find a solution to its shortcomings. I use the word naïve with the full knowledge of its full meaning, and then came “BREXIT” .Yes the British people voted in a fair election, and gave a reasonable majority to the “LEAVE” side. The issue was very simple to vote on. Stay in the E.U. (European Union) or leave it. The issue was truly very simple, but not the ramifications of the decision. I say in the full knowledge that nobody voting in the referendum knew exactly what was going to happen to England if it left, not the people who voted, not the parliamentarians , and not even the government. Only one recognized party wanted England to leave, and that was the U.K. Independence party led by Nigel Farange ,which at the time of the referendum was very small.

If I may be so bold as a non-historian, but a retired pharmacist, what happened in England has to do primarily with immigration and the feeling that the government has lost control. Some of you may know of an agreement called the Schengen Agreement which was eventually changed to the Schengen Convention . It allows the free emigration of people from any E.U. country  to another one without border controls. England was not part of that agreement, but when Germany allowed massive numbers of Middle East refugees into their country, the British public felt they were at risk of overwhelming numbers finally finding their way to the U.K. The European Common Market and the E.U. has much to do with globalization, economics, business and immigration and jobs. The issues are VERY complicated and to allow the British people to decide what to do would, in the end, be similar to allowing them to build a rocket to the moon. They do not have the time or the smarts to make the decision.

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Name of author

Name: Murray Rubin

Short Bio: I was born in Toronto in 1931 to a wonderful mother who divorced shortly before my birth. I owe a great deal of my success to her. I am Jewish but not at all religious, yet my culture plays an important part of my personality. I attended Harbord Collegiate and U. of T. Faculty of Pharmacy. A unique mail-order pharmacy was the first of my endeavours in the profession, followed by many stores throughout Ontario. I have a loving wife, 3 children and grand-children and I am now retired from pharmacy. But what do I write about? Everything! My topics are funny, serious, whimsical, timely, outrageous, inspiring, and inventive. I promise that if you take the time to read any one of these topics – you will not be sorry.

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