There is no doubt in my mind that our planet is getting warmer. I do not have to believe the science as it is there, for all to see. The past October has been the warmest  month for October in the last 135 years. The ice is melting in the Arctic  and in my lifetime I have never seen so much erratic weather. Some island states are in danger of losing the land they stand on due to the rise of the oceans. At this time there is a conference in Paris at which all nations of standing are attending.  The cause of this warming is the release of carbon in the atmosphere due to the burning of gas in autos , coal for heating and the industrialization of so many countries. The problems we face is, at this point, not the science, it is the people.

Human nature is such that people do not want to do anything until the catastrophe is upon us, and with this problem  a solution cannot wait. But that does not mean a catastrophe will not happen. India and China have recently become very active in manufacturing and at this point China is the second greatest polluter next to the U.S. But China says we have just started and the situation to-day is because of western industrialization, primarily the U.S., so the west should pay the biggest share of righting the situation. . The  answer to this problem would require an impartial judge from another planet . The decision of who is right cannot be made easily, and nobody has the power to force any nation to  change.In this case it is my opinion that the west will give in and pay the major share of what has to be done to avoid this calamity . The only power the west has is the pollution to-day in China and India. How long their people will accept the pollution is not known by anybody. What worries me is that power is more important than pollution. Will China`s communist part curb CO2 emissions if doing so could lead to their overthrow?

There is no question we are all polluters but what we do not know is if the warming is due in some part to natural causes, or in other words, the earth is warming naturally regardless of the industrialization. It does not really matter, as we all have to change our way of living as carbon is the problem, and less carbon is the answer.

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Name of author

Name: Murray Rubin

Short Bio: I was born in Toronto in 1931 to a wonderful mother who divorced shortly before my birth. I owe a great deal of my success to her. I am Jewish but not at all religious, yet my culture plays an important part of my personality. I attended Harbord Collegiate and U. of T. Faculty of Pharmacy. A unique mail-order pharmacy was the first of my endeavours in the profession, followed by many stores throughout Ontario. I have a loving wife, 3 children and grand-children and I am now retired from pharmacy. But what do I write about? Everything! My topics are funny, serious, whimsical, timely, outrageous, inspiring, and inventive. I promise that if you take the time to read any one of these topics – you will not be sorry.


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